OpenID Connect
Never provide your access_token
, refresh_token
or client_secret
to a web browser or other end-user agent. Instead, maintain a separate session and persist this data in a location accessible only by your application (e.g. do not store the access_token
in a cookie).
Contact for further guidance.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The standard is controlled by the OpenID Foundation.
Authorization Code Walkthrough
The Spark® Identity Provider (IdP) adds an extension to support OAuth 2.0 requests inside a single OpenID request.
All OpenID Connect requests must be made using HTTPS.

The typical OpenID Connect/OAuth2 flow with Spark API can be broken down into four steps:
Obtaining User Authorization
You can obtain our OpenId Configuration information at As specified in the OpenID Connect Discovery Specification. Most programming languages will have libraries pre-built to easily integrate OpenID Connect.
See also section 3.1 of OpenID Connect Core.
Obtaining user authorization requires you to redirect the end-user to the appropriate endpoint with the required parameters provided. Once they have authorized your application, they will be redirected back to your redirect_uri
with the access code provided in the URI.
If the request is valid, the OpenId response will contain code
After receiving the OAuth 2 code, your consumer script can proceed with the OAuth 2 token exchange and OAuth 2 data request.
Note that OpenID responds with many more parameters, but these two are the most important for an OAuth 2 example. You will use the code within the callback to request a token shown in the Token Exchange example below.
Token Exchange
See also OpenID Connect Core Token Endpoint.
After the end user has successfully authorized your application, you must exchange your access code
for an access_token
by POSTing the the following data to the
"client_id": "[client_id]",
"client_secret": "[client_secret]",
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": "[code]",
"redirect_uri": "[redirect_uri]",
Attribute | Description |
client_id |
This is your OAuth client ID provided by FBS. |
client_secret |
This is your OAuth client secret provided by FBS. |
grant_type |
This is always set to authorization_code . |
code |
This is the value of the code obtained in step 1. |
redirect_uri |
The value of the URI to which the user will be redirected upon completion. The domain must match that which is registered with FBS. (We encourage you to use HTTPS for your redirect URI.) |
"access_token": [access_token],
"expires_in": 86400,
"refresh_token": [refresh_token],
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": [id_hash]
"error": "[error_code]",
"error_description": "Detailed message here"
Requesting Data
Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
Note that, when using OAuth 2, all requests must be made over HTTPS.
Refreshing Expired Sessions
Access tokens expire after 24 hours, yet it would be undesirable to have to redirect end users to the OAuth 2 authorization flow once a day. The refresh flow is a remedy to this.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='Flexmls API', error='invalid_token'
"D": {
"Success": false,
"Message": "Session token has expired",
"Code": 1020
To refresh the access token, POST the following JSON data to the API's OAuth Access Token service at
using HTTPS:
"client_id": "[client_id]",
"client_secret": "[client_secret]",
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "[refresh_token]"
Parameter | Description |
client_id |
This is your OAuth client ID provided by FBS. |
client_secret |
This is your OAuth client secret provided by FBS. |
grant_type |
Set this to refresh_token . |
refresh_token |
This is the value of the refresh token obtained from the initial access token grant. |
"access_token": "example_new_access_token",
"refresh_token": "example_new_refresh_token",
"expires_in": 86400,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": [id_hash]
"error": "[error_code]",
"error_description": "Detailed message here"
Deleting Access Tokens
/<API Version>/oauth2/token/<Token>
HTTP Method | Description | Notes |
DELETE | Destroy an existing token, expiring it immediately. |
Delete Request
- None
DELETE Response
The standard success/fail response is returned.
Single Logout
Spark Platform provides a single log out service that can be accessed directly from the following URI:
The Single Logout process destroys the existing cookie at our OpenID Connect endpoint, requiring the user log in the next time they are directed to the endpoint. It also destroys custom sessions for other applications built on the Spark Platform, so long as those applications have specified a Single Logout URI in the Spark Store.
Parameter | Description |
client_id |
This is your OAuth client ID provided by FBS.
Only required if post_logout_redirect_uri is
provided. |
post_logout_redirect_uri |
If provided, the user will be redirected back to this URI after
logging out. This must match the redirect_uri for the
client_id . |
state |
(Optional) Will be returned to your post_logout_redirect_uri .
See this documentation
for preferred usage. |
Spark Platform provides a revocation service that can be accessed directly from the following URI:
You can direct users to the revocation endpoint if you want to allow them to remove your application's authorization. Which will require the user's consent for API access the next time you make a request on their behalf. You can also send a POST request to the revoke endpoint to invalidate your keys. Look at Section 2.1 of OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation for more information.